Sign-up as a SGET Member

Signing up with SGET is easy: Simply fill in the form and submit it. We will review your submission and personally help you with the onboarding here at SGET. In order to get started, please fill in the following form.

Primary Email-Address

First, we would kindly ask you to enter the email-address for your account. This email serves as the address to send information and invoices to.

Company Information

Next, we would like you to enter your company's details. This is important, since your company will be the member and you can join SGET with as many employees of your company, as you wish at no extra cost.

Personal Information

Last, but not least, we would like to know more about you. This information is required in order to facilitate your onboarding process at SGET. Plus you will automatically be registered as the first member of your company here at SGET. Your email address will be used for communication within our working groups.


Please make sure that you download and sign the IPR Rules as well as the acknowledgement form. We require all of our members to sign this acknowledgment when joining SGET. If you have to check back with your legal department first, no worries: You can send us the IPR later on and complete the form without uploading it.


I agree that my data may be deposited, processed and used by the "Standardization Group for Embedded Technologies e.V." for the purpose of fulfilling the contract within the scope of membership.

I have been informed that the personal data collected within the scope of the aforementioned purposes will be collected, processed, used and transmitted in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. I have been informed of my rights as a data subject.

The declaration of consent is made on a voluntary basis. I have been informed that I can revoke the declaration of consent at any time by written notification for the future.

Important: Please read before continuing !!!

Before sending the form, we need to verify your email address. In order to do so, please click on the Button "Jetzt anfordern" below the form and make sure, you have filled in your email address correctly. You will then receive an email from our system provider (easyVerein) with the subject "easyVerein E-Mail Überprüfung". Please copy the verification code from this email and paste it into the field "Verifikationscode" and click on the button labeld "Bestätigen" right next to the field in order to proceed. Upon successuflly verifying your email, you can finally click on "Mitgliedschaftsantrag absenden" and the form will be submitted to our membership system.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are working with our system provider on making this feature available in English soon.

Bevor du deinen Mitgliedschaftsantrag absenden kannst, musst du deine E-Mail () bestätigen: