Antrag auf Mitgliedschaft / Application for Membership / Demande d'adhésion

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of SUEPO, local section Munich.

In order to proceed, please fill out and submit the following form.  In case of any doubts or questions, please refer to

SEPA Direct Debit Mandate for Annual Membership Fee Payment

The SEPA mandate is a prerequisite for the online membership application to be accepted. If you do not want to pay via direct debit please refer to

Thank you for your understanding.

By submitting this mandate form, you authorise (A) IGEPA, with Creditor Identifier DE79IMU00001446175 to send instructions to your bank to debit your account for payment of your SUEPO membership fee annually and (B) your bank to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from IGEPA.

As part of your rights, you are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited. Your rights are explained in a statement that you can obtain from your bank.

This mandate is revocable by sending a written notice to IGEPA.


The annual contributions can be obtained from Membership Fees (Attention: only accessible within the European Patent Office).
If you do not have access to the file please refer to

The fees will be automatically deducted from the bank account after having received beforehand a notification of debit.

Es darf bis zu 1 Element ausgewählt werden.


After we have reviewed and accepted your application, you will receive an E-Mail invite for our members portal. Please choose a password and log into the portal as soon as you received the message.

In the member portal you will be able to change and update your personal data, find the latest news or access shared files.

In case you do not get this E-Mail within a week, please refer to a board member, preferably via



Declaration of Consent

I agree that my data will be deposited, processed and used by the "Staff Union of the European Patent Office" for the purpose of fulfilling the contract within the scope of membership.

I have been informed that the personal data collected within the scope of the above-mentioned purposes will be collected, processed, used and transmitted in compliance with the EU Basic Data Protection Regulation. I have been informed of my rights as a data subject.

The declaration of consent is made on a voluntary basis. I have been informed that I can revoke the declaration of consent at any time by written notification for the future.




Before the application can be sent, the email address must be verified.

Here's how to submit your application:

  1. First accept our General Terms and Conditions by ticking the "Declaration of consent" box above.
  2. To request the verification code, click on the gray field with the e-mail address next to the "Submit code" button. The code will then be sent to your mailbox by easyVerein©.
  3. Enter the verification code in the "Verifikationscode" field and click on "Confirm".
  4. Then click on the "Submit Membership Application" button, which is now available to submit your application.

Bevor du deinen Mitgliedschaftsantrag absenden kannst, musst du deine E-Mail () bestätigen: