Akademie3 Stiftung Neue Platonische Akademie gGmbH
Online association management - Calendar
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Click on an appointment to confirm or cancel it.
Subscribe to calendar in external application
You can easily subscribe to your easyVerein calendar in Google Calendar, Apple iCal or other external calendar tools to embed the appointments from your team calendar in your own calendar.
Use the following URL:
Apple Calendar (iCal) Click on "file" in the menu bar at the top of the Apple calendar and select "new calendar subscription". Fill in the URL above and click on "subscribe". You can select the interval in which the calendar app will search for new events. We recommend an hourly or daily interval.
Google Calendar On the Google Calendar page, click the small arrow right next to the "Other Calendars" tab on the left. Select "add via url", enter the URL above and click on "add calendar". Until changes are taken from the Google Calendar it can take up to 24 Hours.
Mozilla Thunderbird Open the calendar browser in Thunderbird and right-click on the left side of the view below the "Calendar" section. Select "New Calendar". In the popup that follows, select "Network" and press "Resume". Choose the format "iCalendar ICS" and enter the URL above in the address bar. Click continue. By default, Thunderbird will update the calendar every 30 minutes. You can change this interval in your properties.