Event: Online-Vortrag: Balkonsolaranlagen: Strom vom Balkon – Was bringen sie? Was ist zu beachten?

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Für Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Vortraege@energiewende-erhlangen.de

My participation

I agree that my name as a participant may be displayed to members of the organizing club in the login-protected club calendar for the duration of this event.
This consent to the display of my name in the club calendar only applies to this specific event.

I agree that my data (first name, surname, e-mail address, address and, if applicable, telephone number) will be stored in the association's general address book. This data will not be deleted automatically.
The association may use this data to send you e-mails or invoices. My data will be stored in the general address book for an indefinite period. However, I can revoke my consent to the storage of my data at any time and request the deletion of my data.

Please confirm your e-mail address:


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