Förderverein Thoule e.V.

Online Vereinsverwaltung - Admission Form

Please note our privacy policy and the current statutes and regulations of the Förderverein Thoule e.V. If you have any further questions about the application or the association, please send an e-mail to vorstand(a)fvthoule.de.

contact information

bank information

The annual fee for active members (27 years or older) is 60 € and is generally collected by SEPA direct debit. Passive members (under 27) are exempt from the annual fee. If you would like to transfer the fee yourself instead, please tick the box "Apply for a contribution claim" and leave the bank details empty.

The following fields are only to be filled in if you do not submit an application for the fee regulations. In this case, please submit the completed SEPA direct debit mandate at the first opportunity in person at the clubhouse (box "Schriftführer Förderverein") or by post (to Förderverein Thoule e.V., Ostendstraße 1, 76131 Karlsruhe).

According to § 3 (2) of the Fee Regulations, an active member can designate another as a civil partner: in this case, the fee is only collected from the former, while the latter is exempt from it (but must then still submit its own application for membership!).


Das Formular wird im Auftrag vom Verein / Verband "Förderverein Thoule e.V." (Ostendstraße 1, 76131 Karlsruhe) über die easyVerein Software verarbeitet. Mit dem Absenden stimmen Sie der Verarbeitung im Rahmen der strengen easyVerein Datenschutzstandards zu.