Online Vereinsverwaltung - IS-PAS Registration Form

IS-PAS Membership Application

To become an IS-PAS registered centre the following criteria must be fulfilled:

  • The centre has to demonstrate that it manages ≥ ten cases of PAS (grade 2-3) over a three-year period. Therefore the centre must return data collection forms for their last 3 cases of PAS including intraoperative picture documentation (IS-PAS Data Collection Form).
  • The centre must provide a CV for a named person responsible for that centre.

Please use this form to apply for membership. 

Requests will only be considered if the form is completley filled out and all the requested documents are submitted!



If you want to register as an additional member and the center you belong to is already registered, please fill out all the required fields in the form, but upload empty pdfs stating, that the center has aready been registered and the documents have been uploaded before.




Profile Picture to be used on the homepage after membership approval:

Type of hospital:

a) Tertiary referral (University or Teaching hospital which takes referrals from other hospitals)

b) Private hospital

c) Public hospital

Please type either "tertiary referral", "private" or "public".

The centre has to demonstrate that it manages ≥ ten cases of PAS (grade 2-3) over a three-year period. Therefore the centre must return data collection forms for their last 3 cases of PAS including intraoperative picture documentation (IS-PAS Data Collection Form).

Download link:

Please fill out the form and submit your last 3 cases in one PDF file.

Remark: If you want to register as an additional member and the center you belong to is already registered, please fill out all the required fields in the form, but upload empty pdfs stating, that the center has aready been registered and the documents have been uploaded before.



The centre must provide a CV for a named person responsible for that centre.

Remark:  If you want to register as an additional member and the center you belong to is already registered, please fill out all the required fields in the form, but upload empty pdfs stating, that the center has aready been registered and the documents have been uploaded before.



Requested files to be filled out have been included in the submission:

IS-PAS_Data_Collection_Form, 3 cases have been submitted in one pdf file

CV of the designated contact has been submitted




Once the requirements have been satisfied the application will be considered and ratified by the board. The board meets usally once a month. The centre will then be added to the list of registered centres once the person responsible for that centre paid the fee to register with the IS-PAS database. An IS-PAS registered centre can have an unlimited number of full members but only one vote will count from each centre whenever the general membership is called on to vote. (Minimum of one full member per centre is required). The membership fee is currently 75€ per year, payment instructions will follow after approval.


I agree that my data will be stored, processed and used by "IS-PAS" for the purpose of fulfilling the contract within the framework of membership.

I have been advised that the personal data collected for the purposes mentioned above will be collected, processed, used and transmitted in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. I have been informed of my rights as a data subject.

The declaration of consent is made on a voluntary basis. I have been informed that I can revoke my declaration of consent at any time by giving written notice for the future.

Bevor du deinen Mitgliedschaftsantrag absenden kannst, musst du deine E-Mail () bestätigen: