Rollen- und Brettspielverein Thoule 1987 e.V.

Online association management - Aufnahmeantrag englisch

Contributions and bank details

For members aged between 18 and 26, an annual membership fee of €30 is due in accordance with our membership fee regulations. This is collected regularly on February 1 by direct debit (please submit the completed SEPA direct debit mandate ( at the first opportunity in person at the clubhouse or by post).

Members under the age of 18 are exempt from the annual fee and therefore do not need to provide any account details. We will ask you to submit your account details by email approximately one month before your 18th birthday.

Members aged 27 and over are passive members by statute and are also exempt from the annual membership fee. Here too, we do not require any account details.

I agree that my data will be stored, processed and used by the association / umbrella association "Rollen- und Brettspielverein Thoule 1987 e.V." for the purpose of fulfilling the contract as part of the membership.

I have been informed that the personal data collected for the purposes mentioned above are collected, processed, used and transmitted in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. I was informed about my rights as a data subject.

The declaration of consent is on a voluntary basis. I have been informed that I can revoke the declaration of consent at any time in writing for the future.

März 2025