CogSci Network e.V.

Online Vereinsverwaltung - Membership SEPA (English)

Sign up as a member (incl. SEPA)!

We are happy to have you as a member of the CogSci Network e.V. 

Please fill in this form, if you can pay membership fees via SEPA.

If you cannot transfer money via SEPA, e.g. because of your location, please fill in this form.

If you want to register your company as a member, please contact us via email at

In the following field, please insert your (chosen) name, which we can use for automated and individual (email) contact. Official documents (membership certificates, donation proof, etc.) will be listing your name stated above. 
If you do not want to add a (chosen) name, please repeat the name already stated above. 

Membership Plans

We offer flexible membership plans where you can pick which plan fits best to you.

There are four options for personal membership:

  • "Reduced" - 21€ / Year
  • "Regular" - 42€ / Year
  • "Senior" - 84€ / Year
  • Individual Plan: Pick an individual fee >84€ / Year

There are three options for company membership:

  • "Silver" - 500€ / Year
  • "Gold" - 2.000€ / Year
  • Individual Plan: Pick an indivual fee >2.000€ / Year

Es darf bis zu 1 Element ausgewählt werden.

By signing this mandate form, you authorise (A) Cogsci Network e.V. - Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Instituts für Kognitionswissenschaft to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and (B) your bank to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from Cogsci Network e.V. - Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Instituts für Kognitionswissenschaft.


I agree that my data will be deposited, processed and used by "CogSci Network e.V." for the purpose of fulfilling the contract within the scope of membership.

I have been informed that the personal data collected within the scope of the aforementioned purposes will be collected, processed, used and transmitted in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. I have been informed of my rights as a data subject.

The declaration of consent is made on a voluntary basis. I have been informed that I can revoke the declaration of consent at any time by written notification for the future.



Information: please confirm your email adress below by inserting the verification code you get when clicking on "Jetzt anfordern" (unfortunately the webpage does not translate this automatically).

Bevor du deinen Mitgliedschaftsantrag absenden kannst, musst du deine E-Mail () bestätigen: